INFO LOWONGAN PEKERJAAN DI PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk, PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN), CALON PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL SEKRETARIAT KABINET RI TAHUN ANGGARAN 2010, PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk, PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk, DAN PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk job vacancy
PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk was established in 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H or November 1, 1991, endorsed by the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia, and commenced operations in 27 Syawwal 1412 H or May 1, 1992. Supported by the Indonesian Association of Moslem Intellectuals (ICMI) and a group of Moslem entrepreneurs, the founding of Bank Muamalat also won the support of the general public, evidenced by a Rp 84 billion pledge for the purchase of the Bank's shares on the date when the Articles of Association was signed. Thereafter, in a special meeting commemorating the founding at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, additional pledges from communities in West Java were raised to reach a total of Rp 106 billion.. Currently we are looking high qualified candidates to join our team as:
Investor Relations Staff - Jakarta
* Female, maximum 25 years old.
* Minimum Bachelor (S1) From any discipline, preferable from Economics and Law.
* Minimum GPA 3.00 from reputable university.
* Having experience in Investor Relation, Marketing, and Customer Service at least for 1 year.
* Enjoy to work in administration and details.
* Friendly, Good Communication and Interpersonal Skill.
* Self Confident and High Initiative.
* Fluent in English is a must.
* Will be placed in Head Office (Jakarta).
* Closing date: November 7, 2010
Bureau Director Department Staff - Jakarta
* Handling Board of Director (BoD) and Board of Commissioner's (BoC) arrivals and departures.
* Coordinate with the crew of Soekarno Hatta Airport.
* Coordinate with Bureau Director.
* Handling BoD and BoC's document related to their departures.
* Male maximum 30 years old.
* Minimum GPA 3.00 from reputable university.
* Fluent English is a must.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Willing to work in holidays (Saturday, Sunday or even on National holidays).
* Willing to work after office hours.
* High dedicated to institution.
* Closing date: November 7, 2010
Corporate Document Staff - Jakarta
* Filing Document
* Entry Data
* Female maximum 24 years old.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Library Management, Business Administration or equivalent.
* GPA minimum 3.00 from reputable university.
* Computer literate (MS. Office).
* Able to recite Al-Qur'an.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* 1 Full-Time positions available.
* Closing date: November 7, 2010
ATM Cash Services Staff - Jakarta
* To conduct ATM cash management with vendor
* To handle ATM cash management activities
* Min. S1 from any discipline, preferably Accounting or IT
* Male, Age Maximum 30 year old
* GPA min. 3,00 from reputable university
* At least 1 year of working experience in ATM operations and cash management
* Having Banking Operational skill
* Good Interpersonal skill
* Able to recite Al-Qur'an
* Closing date: November 7, 2010
Team Leader Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan Muamalat - Jakarta
* Seorang Team Leader akan melapor langsung kepada Marketing & Investment Manager dan membawahi beberapa staff marketing.
* Pendidikan terkahir minimal S1 dari semua bidang.
* Perempuan/Laki-laki.
* Aktif dan Inovatif.
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
* Berpenampilan menarik dan supel.
* Pengalaman minimal 1 (satu) tahun di Bidang Marketing.
* Diutamakan yang pernah menangani nasabah perusahaan.
* Diutamakan memiliki jaringan bisnis yang baik.
* Tanggal penutupan: 1 November 2010
Public Relations Staff - Jakarta
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Communication/Public Relations or equivalent.
* GPA Min. 3.00.
* Age max 27 years old.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia.
* Fresh graduates/entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Good communication and interpersonal skill.
* Having good knowledge and experiences promotions, advertising, internal media, and events.
* Having good knowledge in Sharia Banking.
* Able to work under pressure.
* Creative and able to work in a team with tight schedule.
* Closing date: November 1, 2010
Secretary - Jakarta
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma in Secretarial or equivalent.
* Having experience as a secretary or personal assistant is a plus.
* GPA minimum 2.75 from reputable university.
* Computer and English literate with minimum score TOEFL Predicition/EPT LBPP LIA 400.
* Age maximum 27 years old.
* Able to recite Al-Qur'an.
* Discipline, high initiative and able to work in a tight schedule.
* Closing date: November 13, 2010
Corporate Communication Staff - Jakarta
* Male, maximum 25 years old
* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from Communication majoring in Public Relation
* GPA minimum 3.00 from reputable university
* Fresh graduates are encourage to apply
* Able to recite Al-Qur'an
* Able to handle Internal Media/House Journal
* Able to handle promotion and advertising
* Closing date: November 13, 2010
Investor Relations Officer - Jakarta
* Male/Female, maximum 30 years old.
* Minimum Bachelor (S1) From any discipline, preferable from Economics and Law.
* Having experience in Capital Market, Investor Relation, Marketing, and Customer Service at least for 3 years.
* Friendly, Good Communication and Interpersonal Skill.
* Self Confident and High Initiative.
* Fluent in English is a must.
* Will be placed in Head Office (Jakarta).
* Closing date: November 7, 2010
Media Relation Staff - Jakarta
Requirements :
* Male/Female, maximum 24 years old.
* Minimum Bachelor (S1) From any discipline, preferable from Economics/Development Studies.
* Friendly, Good Communication and Interpersonal Skill.
* Self Confident and High Initiative.
* Creative and Imaginative.
* Broad Knowledge in Economics/Monetary.
* Able to write editorial/news as well as able to work with mass media and journalists.
* Fluent in English is preferable.
* Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply.
* Will be placed in Head Office (Jakarta).
* Closing date: October 24, 2010
If you think have the profile we required, please send your application to:
Human Resources Division
PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk
Gedung Arthaloka
Jalan Jend. Sudirman No. 2
Jakarta 10220
Please note position code on the right corner of envelope
PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) job vacancy
PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) was established in Bandung on February 5, 1958, originally called Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer (BAPEMIL) with the status of business associations as entities that receive deposits and provide loans to its members. BAPEMIL aims to help ease the economic burden of retirees, both military and civilian. In 1986 the members of the PT BAPEMIL formed National Pension Savings Bank with a business license as the Savings Bank. In 1993 the status of the Commercial Banks BTPN. Now We are looking for professional candidates experienced in banking industries to fill the position:
Mass Resourcing Database Officer
* Perform data management according to user needs
* Perform data analysis process
* Create a monthly report on population growth
* Conduct management of HRIS system at Mass Resourcing Division
* Supporting the development of HRIS system at Mass Resourcing Division
* Education Min. D3, with GPA Min. 3:00
* Age Max. 30 years
* Familiar with HRIS applications (Oracle or SAP)
* Familiar with DBMS Applications (Access, SQL Server etc)
* Experienced using Ms. Office (Intermediate to Advanced Level)
* Able to perform business process analysis
Human Capital Relationship Manager Support Function (HCRM)
* Max Age 32 years old
* Have experience/ background HR 3 – 5 years
* preferably banking industry or multinational consumer goods or multinational oil company
* self discipline, able to manage his/her own work with minimum supervision
Sent your Complete Resume and Photograph to:
PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN)
Only qualified candidates will be processed
Nomor :P. 951/Setkab/DA/X/2010
Dalam rangka mengisi formasi CPNS Tahun Anggaran 2010, sebagaimana ditetapkan dengan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 287 Tahun 2010, Sekretariat Kabinet RI membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang berminat menjadi CPNS, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Formasi Jabatan dan Kualifikasi Pendidikan yang dibutuhkan.
2. Persyaratan pelamar:
a. Persyaratan umum:
1) Warga Negara Indonesia;
2) Berusia maksimum 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2010;
3) Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa;
4) Memiliki integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
5) Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon/PNS, Calon/Anggota TNI/Polri;
6) Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik;
7) Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta;
8) Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan;
9) Memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi pendidikan (jenjang dan jurusan) yang sesuai dengan formasi jabatan;
10) Berkelakuan baik;
11) Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
b. Persyaratan Khusus:
1) Ijazah pelamar yang diakui yaitu ijazah yang diperoleh dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang telah mendapat akreditasi atau ijazah yang diperoleh dari Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri, yang telah mendapat penetapan penyetaraan dari Panitia Penilaian Ijazah Luar Negeri Departemen Pendidikan Nasional;
2) Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) bagi pelamar minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima);
3) Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tertulis.
3. Pendaftaran:
Penerimaaan lamaran dilaksanakan di Gedung Pusdiklat Sekretariat Negara Jl.Gaharu I No.1 Cilandak Barat Jakarta Selatan dari tanggal 1 s.d. 4 November 2010, pukul 09.00 – 14.00 WIB, dengan melengkapi:
a. Berkas lamaran terdiri dari:
1) Surat lamaran yang ditulis tangan dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar dengan menggunakan tinta hitam, ditujukan kepada Ketua Tim Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Sekretariat Kabinet RI Tahun Anggaran 2010;
2) Foto copy ijazah dan transkrip nilai akademik atau surat keterangan lulus yang dilegalisasi oleh pejabat yang berwenang;
3) Pas photo berwarna terbaru, ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar;
4) Foto copy bukti identitas diri (KTP/SIM);
b. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang disediakan oleh panitia;
c. Semua berkas dimasukkan ke dalam map yang telah dituliskan nama, kode jabatan, kode jurusan, dan IPK.
4. Seleksi Administrasi:
a. Panitia akan melakukan seleksi administrasi terhadap berkas lamaran berdasarkan persyaratan pelamar;
b. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian tertulis.
5. Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi dan Jadwal Ujian Tertulis akan diberitahukan melalui situs internet resmi Sekretariat Kabinet pada hari Selasa, tanggal 9 November 2010.
6. Keputusan Tim Pengadaan CPNS Sekretariat Kabinet RI Tahun Anggaran 2010 tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
informasi lengkap disini:
Sekretariat Kabinet RI
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk job vacancy
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk open job opportunities for Information Technology Professionals to join and fill the following positions:
A. IT Risk - ITRM
B. IT Quality Assurance - ITQA
C. Infrastruktur TI - ITINF
D. IT Security - ITSEC
E. Perangkat Lunak & Database - SWDB
F. Help Desk - HDESK
G. Data Warehouse - DTWR
General Requirements
* Indonesian citizen
* Able-bodied
* Maximum 30 years old (C,D,E,F,G), 35 years old (A,B)
* Fresh graduate are welcome, preferably:
o A,B,D,E,G: Bachelor Degree (S1) in Informatics/ Electrical/ Computer Engineering with minimmum 2 years experience in IT or Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major with minimmum 2 years experience in IT.
o C: Diploma Degree (D3/ D4) in Informatics/ Electrical/ Computer Engineering with minimmum 2 years experience in IT or Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major with minimmum 2 years experience in IT.
o F: Diploma Degree (D3/ D4) in Informatics/ Electrical/ Computer Engineering with minimmum 2 years experience in IT
o Minimum 2.75 for ITB/ UI/ UGM/ ITS graduates or 3.00 for others.
* Active in English
* Willing to be placed in any brach across Indonesia.
1. Melakukan registrasi secara online pada website Bank BTN (Karir -> Registrasi Online)
2. Pelamar wajib mengisi dan menyampaikan seluruh data yang diminta pada saat pengisian data registrasi
3. Lamaran berikut CV lengkap, referensi dan photo terbaru agar dikirim melalui e-mail : Cantumkan nama dan kode posisi pada subject e-mail
4. Besar file photo max. 50 kb
5. Semua dokumen disimpan dalam 1 folder dan dikompress dalam format .zip
6. Nama folder agar dibuat dengan format : CV-[Nama Pelamar]_[Kode Posisi]
7. Untuk nama pelamar harap dicantumkan lengkap dengan titel pendidikan dan gelar sertifikasi bila ada.
8. Registrasi pelamar akan dibuka mulai tanggal 30 Oktober 2010 sampai dengan tanggal 6 Nopember 2010 pukul 18.00 WIB
Online Registration :
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
Closing date: November 6, 2010.
PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk job vacancy
PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk is an Indonesia-based financial institution engaged in general banking services. It offers consumer banking, which includes saving accounts, checking accounts, time deposits, ArthaCare Saving, Graha Cash automated teller machine (ATM), phone banking and short message service (SMS) banking; treasury, which includes fixed income, foreign exchange and money market products, and loan, which includes mortgage loans, car loans, working capital loans, investment loans and trade financing loans. The Bank has 34 branch offices, 39 sub branch offices, 8 cash offices and 10 payment point and 56 ATM's.
* Has experience as a DataBase Administrator at least 3 years
* Have knowledge of TCP / IP and Networking
* Have knowledge of Security System
* Have knowledge of OSDB Environment
* Have knowledge of the Midrange, PC, Internet / Web application
* Having a good personality, high motivation and self-
* Have good communication skills Strong analytical and good systematics
* Male / Female
* Bachelor degree Majoring in Psychology from Reputable University
* GPA min 2.80
* Age max : 25 years old
* Experience in a similar position is an advantage
* Able to work in a team
* Willing to be located in all branches of BAGI in Indonesia
Please send the following application CV, references and recent photograph addressed to:
PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) job vacancy
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.
The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.
Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)
We are seeking Rated Commercial Pilots for Boeing 737‐300/400/500 and Boeing 737‐800NG. Candidates must be Indonesian citizens who are fluent in English and of good character.
Operation Publication Analyst
Job Requirements:
* Male/ Female age max 28 years old
* Graduate S1 in Perpustakaan/Teknik Informatika from reputable university IPK min 3.00 scale 4
* Have 2 years experience in same position
* Having good communication skills in both English and Indonesia
* Good Computer literate with Ms. Excel, Ms. Word
* Strong analytical and strategic thinking
* Have excellent communication skill
* Based in Jakarta Raya - Cengkareng
Job Responsibilities:
* Gathering issue and about problem which gets bearing with changed and formative Operational Manual, one that covers External and Internal Manual
* Arranging solution and recommendation alternative suitably which gets bearing with Operation Publication's Manual
* Doing up date knowledge continually and systematics hits to process and methodology most now to things that gets bearing with Operation Manual
If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph (4x6) and application letter to :
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
Garuda City Center
Gedung Management Soekarno - Hatta International Airport
Jakarta 19120.
Closing dates 7 November 2010
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